Quirky • Unique • Eccentric

Welcome to Fish With Bite!

Local Pick & Delivery

We offer local pickup and delivery for the Boyne Island, Tannum Sands and Gladstone areas.
Please email paulj@fishwithbite.au to arrange.

  • "Fish With Bite… how refreshing to see a new brand with a series of wicked pieces of art transported to these shirts, and on the way through jizzed up on steroids to create these really interesting and colourful images which look amazing on a shirt…. A really talking point… and as for the logo.. wow.. go you good thang!!"
    - Darryl Branthwaite

  • "This 'Fish With Bite' now has pride of place above the door into the man cave – adding a fun and wow factor to the entrance of a fun place.  Well done Paul for not only having the artistic talent to envisage new and interesting 'Fish With Bite' characters but also having the skills to turn interesting pieces of stuff into a piece of quality art."

    - Janene

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